Saturday, October 31, 2009


Have  you  ever  tried  putting  yourself  in  somebody  else's  shoes  trying  to  imagine  or  feel  what  that  person  is  going  through? Maybe  if  we  do  this  sometimes,we'd  show  love  to  people. It  is  a  pathetic  story  for those  with  one  ailment  or  the  other  because  the  society  do  not  want  to  be  associated  with  them. Looking  at  the  case  of  people  living  with  HIV/AIDS, it  is  not  the  HIV  that  kills  them  but  the  rejecton  they  suffer.

A  pal  of  mine  was  narrating  her  odeal  with  a  guy  she  met  in  a  clinic  to  me. This  pal  of  mine  happens  to  be  have  Sickle  cell  anaemia  and  d  guy  sitting  next  to  her  at  the  clinic  reception  got  to  know  about  her  medical  status, and you  won't  believe  the  things  he  said  to  my  pal.

The  guy  told  my  pal  he  know  of  a  cure  and  that  he  can  help  with  the  necessary  contacts. My  pal  turned  the  offer  down. The  guy  then  said  she  is  not  likely  to  find  a  life  partner  as  nobody  wants  to  marry  someone  whose  life  span  is shaky  and  would  be  in  and  out  of the  hospital. That she is not likely to live long  and  all  sort  things  that  I  can't  possibly  state  here.

Parents  at  times  don't  help  matter. Some  see  it  as  a  waste  of  resources  taking  care  of  children  with  disabilities  or  trminal  ailments, and  so  the  child  is  neglected. Those  who  manage  to  take  care  of  the  child  count  what  and  what  they  have  done  at any  little  offence  or  thing  the  child  does.

The  long  and  short  of  this  is  to  show  LOVE  and CARE  to  people  around  us. A  smile  could  go  a  long  way. You  never  can  tell  what  a  word  of  encouragement  or  inspiration   could  do. Lets  give  HOPE  to  the  HOPEless  and  we'd  see  how  well  they  can  do  in  life. 

And  to  those  going  through  one  thing  or  the  other (ailment, disability  or  what  have  you), you  can  make  it. Disability  is  not  Inability. You  are  an  Impossible Equation for the devil to Solve, a  Question  he  cannot  Answer  because  YOU  are  Wonderfully  and  Fearfully  made!

I  love  you  all  and  God  bless  you!

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