Thursday, July 23, 2009


The book of Proverbs says "keep thy heart with all diligence for out of it are the issues of life".You are a product of your thought.The success of any individual in life starts from his thought life.People are beaten down in life from the route they think about themselves.Having a positive perspective about oneself is the major basis of achieving success in life.

That our friends made it before us does not mean we cannot make it.We should not compare ourselves with others;we are called for different purposes and there is an appointed time for each and everyone of us.If you can not get to your goals in life fast,you can get there slowly and steadily,taking one step at a time.Your friends may reach their goals before you and yet become more successful than them when you reach your goal much later.Afterall,the first house in a town is not necessarily the most beautiful house in that town.

Nurturing one's mind positively determines how life would respond to one's attitude.Never allow your circumstances to determine your attitude but allow your attitude to determine your circumstances.This can only be achieved if a person's state of mind functions in a positive perspective.

In life,we get what we focus on.That is why the book of Philippians 4:8 says "whatsoever things are true,honest,just,pure,lovely,of good report,if there be any virtue and praise,think on these things.

Your thought life builds you an identity.Proverbs 23:7,"As a man thinks in his heart,so he is.Rita Davenport said "What I think about,I bring about.The thought of success will foster success.The thought of love will foster love.The thought of security will foster security.What am I thinking about today?"I am asking us the same question;what are you thinking about right now?

Be of good thought and I tell you "YOU CAN!"God bless you.

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